如果您通过购买电子邮件列表的方式来获取新的订阅者,您可能会因为向未选择加入的客户发送垃圾邮件而导致自己的声誉受损。更好的方法是在您的在线商店中、结账处、POS 和现实生活的活动中提供新闻通讯注册,以此获取更多高参与度的订阅者。
定期查看订阅者列表,确保您不会向任何通用或基于角色的收件箱发送邮件,例如 info@domain.com
或 sales@domain.com
您向客户发送的电子邮件类型可以包含有关您商店中的新产品或当前促销活动的公告。如果您无法确定要向客户发送的内容类型,请查看他们订阅的电子邮件类型、记下所有吸引人眼球的内容,并确定符合您商店品牌的内容。有关更多建议,请参阅 Shopify 博客的电子邮件营销部分。
Best practices for Shopify Email
Sending marketing emails to your customers can be a great way to increase traffic to your store. Increasing the number of visitors to your store can increase your chances of making a sale. Here are some things to help keep your customers engaged with your content, and interested in visiting your store.
What to consider when you create and manage an email subscriber list
If you buy an email list to acquire new subscribers, then you might damage your reputation by spamming customers who didn't opt in. A better approach is to offer newsletter sign up in your online store, at checkout, on the POS, and at events in real life to ensure more highly engaged subscribers.
Review your list of subscribers regularly to verify that you're not sending to any generic or role-based inboxes such as
. There likely won't be any engagement with your emails from those inboxes, which might hurt your sender reputation over time.Create a customer segment to help target a specific set of customers. For example, if you plan to have a sale on hats, then you might email only the customers who have bought hats in the past to encourage them to make another purchase.
If you enable double opt-in for subscribers, then you should update the newsletter forms' confirmation message in your online store so that customers know to check their email for a follow-up confirmation. Updating the confirmation message can help ensure more opt-ins. For example, your confirmation message could say something like “Check your email to confirm your subscription!”.
If a subscriber clicks the Unsubscribe link from within the email that they receive, or marks an email from you as spam, then the subscriber is automatically removed from your subscriber list. When an email bounces back due to an issue with an email address, that email address is automatically suppressed from future email sends.
What to include in email campaigns
The types of emails that you send to customers could include announcements about new products or sales that are taking place in your store. If you're having trouble figuring out what kind of content to send to your customers, then see what types of emails you're subscribed to, note anything that stands out, and decide what aligns with your store brand. For more ideas, refer to the Email Marketing section of the Shopify Blog.
If you haven't sent an email campaign to your subscribers before, then creating a welcome email is a great way to introduce yourself and start building a relationship with your customers. In your welcome email, you can let customers know who you are, advertise your store, feature one of your most popular products to remind customers why they love your brand already, or help them discover something new. You can also create a unique subscriber customer segment on the Customers page to email only recent subscribers.
The purpose of your email campaign is to get subscribers to visit your store. You should include at least one link that lets subscribers click through to your store.
Include links to your store's social media sites. This helps customers know where they can stay in touch with your brand beyond email.
Shopify电子邮件营销适合什么类型的商家?Shopify电子邮件营销适合各种线上线下兼备的电子商务商家,特别适合那些线上销售额较高,但客户复购率较低需要提升客户粘性的商家。对于传统产品线的商家,电子邮件营销也是一个很好的客户 relation 管道。