关于 Shopify Email 的常见问题解答(一)

2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 西瓜是夏天的女神

关于 Shopify Email 的常见问题解答

使用 Shopify Email 的费用是多少?

所有拥有付费 Shopify 套餐的商家每月开始时都可获得 10,000 封免费电子邮件额度。电子邮件费用按以下规则计算:

  • 系统会按照电子邮件活动所发送到的每个电子邮件地址来计算电子邮件的数量。例如,向 800 位订户发送 1 封促销电子邮件计数为 800 封电子邮件。

  • 未使用的电子邮件不会结转到下个月。

  • 超过 10,000 封免费电子邮件后,您可以发送额外的电子邮件,每封额外电子邮件的费用为 0.001 美元。例如,发送 1000 封额外电子邮件将花费您 1 美元。费用未达到 0.005 美元时,您无需支付额外的电子邮件费用。

  • 所有付费 Shopify 订阅套餐中均提供 Shopify Email,并且您只需要为您发送的电子邮件付费。

有关详细信息,请参阅 Shopify Email 费用。


可以,您可以在 Shopify Email 的任何模板中添加、移动和编辑内容分区。请参阅我们的指南以详细了解如何自定义电子邮件。



若要访问您的活动报告,请转到 Shopify 后台中的营销部分,然后找到您的电子邮件所属的营销活动。点击要查看的电子邮件旁边的查看活动报告。报告数据最多可能需要几个小时才能更新。

Shopify 会收集哪些与我的订阅者相关的内容?

Shopify 会跟踪邮件的打开率和点击数,以及取消订阅数和垃圾邮件投诉数。如果要为订阅者关闭打开情况跟踪,您可以在 Shopify 后台中设置部分的通知页面上执行此操作。


Frequently asked questions about Shopify Email

How much does using Shopify Email cost?

All merchants with a paid Shopify plan have 10,000 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Email cost is calculated using the following rules:

  • Emails are counted based on each individual email address that an email activity is sent to. For example, sending 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers counts as 800 emails.

  • Unused emails don't carry over to the following month.

  • You can send additional emails beyond the 10,000 free emails at a cost of $0.001 USD per additional email. For example, sending 1,000 additional emails would cost you $1 USD. You aren't billed for the additional emails until the cost reaches $0.005 USD.

  • Shopify Email is available on all paid Shopify subscription plans, and you're charged only for the emails that you send.

For more information, refer to Shopify Email cost.

How do I customize my email? Can I add sections?

Yes, any template in Shopify Email allows you to add, move, and edit sections of content. Refer to our guide to learn more about how to customize your email..

How do I know if my email was successful?

After your email has been delivered, you should check out the email activity report to see key performance indicators, such as open rate and clicks. You can also see how many unsubscribes or spam complaints were triggered by an individual email, to help you improve your emails over time.

To access your activity report, go to the Marketing section in your Shopify admin, then find the campaign your email was part of. Click View activity report next to the email you want to review. The report data may take up to a few hours to update.

What content does Shopify gather about my subscribers?

Shopify tracks open rates and clicks, as well as unsubscribes and spam complaints. If you want to turn off the open tracking for your subscribers, you can do so in the Settings section of your Shopify admin, on the Notifications page.
















