
2024-01-01 14:01:26
By 惊悚怪




  • 金额(商户单品定价+单品运费)低于$100.00*的订单,若未在订单释放后168小时内确认履行,将会面临赔款。

  • 金额(商户单品定价+单品运费)大于或等于$100.00*的订单,若未在订单释放后336小时内确认履行,将会面临赔款。


如果订单在释放后的 X 个自然日内由物流服务商确认妥投,则该订单的延时确认履行赔款将会被撤销。但是,如果商户因任何原因更新物流单号,赔款将不予撤销。

"X" 因国家/地区而异,您可以在此查看。












5.8从中国大陆发货 — 仅限 WishPost

对于从中国大陆发货的订单,WishPost 是唯一认可的物流服务商。商户不得使用其他物流服务商承运中国大陆发货的订单,通过 WishPost 使用的除外。中国大陆以外的国家/地区的订单将不受影响。


商户如果选用 WishPost 以外的物流服务商来履行从中国大陆发货的订单,则每个违规订单将被处以$100.00*的赔款。

附录:商户只能基于符合规定的理由移除 A+ 物流计划订单。若发现商户基于不符合规定的理由移除订单,则每笔违规订单可能会被处以$100.00*赔款。如果屡次违反本政策,可能会受到暂停账户等进一步处罚。


对于商户基于“从中国大陆以外发货”之外的理由(即订单将从中国大陆发货)移除的 A+ 物流计划订单:

  • 如果订单受确认妥投政策的约束,则商户必须使用 WishPost 来履行订单,并选择提供尾程物流跟踪信息(即确认妥投信息)的合适的 WishPost 物流渠道和服务等级;

  • 如果订单不受确认妥投政策的约束,则商户可以自由选择任何 WishPost 物流渠道来履行订单。







5.5Orders that are not confirmed fulfilled by the carrier within the designated amount of time after order released date will be penalized

If an order is not confirmed fulfilled by the carrier within the following designated amount of time after the order is released, the merchant will be penalized 20% of the order value, or $1.00*, whichever is greater:

  • Orders where (merchant price per item + shipping price per item) is less than $100.00* that are not confirmed fulfilled within 168 hours of the order being released will be penalized.

  • Orders where (merchant price per item + shipping price per item) is greater than or equal to $100.00* that are not confirmed fulfilled within 336 hours of the order being released will be penalized.

Order value is defined as ‘quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping)'.

An order's penalty for late confirmed fulfillment will be reversed if the order is confirmed delivered by the carrier within X calendar days from the order released time. However, the penalty will not be reversed if the merchant updates the tracking number for any reason.

'X' varies by country, which you can view here.

Merchants are allowed to dispute these penalties via the order tracking dispute tool.

The penalty can only be disputed and approved within 90 calendar days from when the penalty was created. If the penalty dispute is not approved within the 90 calendar day period from when the penalty was created, the penalty will not be reversed.

See examples and learn more

5.6Orders that are fulfilled with fake tracking numbers will be penalized

If at any time a merchant provides a tracking number found to be fake, the merchant may be subject to penalties. The penalty amount issued will reflect order value plus $500.00*.

Order value is defined as 'quantity * (merchant price + merchant shipping)'.

The penalty can only be disputed and approved within 90 calendar days from when the penalty was created. If the penalty dispute is not approved within the 90 calendar day period from when the penalty was created, the penalty will not be reversed.

See examples and learn more

5.7Deceptive Fulfillment Policy

Orders that are fulfilled deceptively are subject to decreased impressions for your store and a penalty of $10,000.00* per incident.

See examples and learn more

5.8Shipping from Mainland China - WishPost Only

WishPost is the only accepted shipping carrier for orders shipped from Mainland China. All other shipping carriers will not be acceptable for orders shipped from Mainland China, unless utilized through WishPost. Orders that are shipped from other regions/countries outside of Mainland China will be unaffected.

Merchant stores detected to violate these shipping policies will be subject to penalties, payment withholding and/or possible suspension in the future.

If an order has been found to be shipped from Mainland China, and was shipped with a carrier other than WishPost, the violating order will be penalized $100.00*.

Addendum: Merchants may only remove an Advanced Logistics Program order from the program for one of the qualified reasons. Order removal found to be based on non-qualified reasons may be penalized $100.00* per noncompliant order. Repeated violations of this policy may be subject to further penalties such as account suspension.

All Advanced Logistics Program orders that are removed by merchants from the program and allowed to be shipped from warehouses outside of Mainland China must be fulfilled with a Confirmed Delivery Carrier. As such, merchants must also comply with the confirmed delivery timeline requirements outlined for these orders: Merchant Policy 5.4 and Merchant Policy 7.5.

For Advanced Logistics Program orders that are removed by merchants for reasons other than "Shipping from outside of Mainland China" (i.e. the order will originate from Mainland China):

  • If the order is subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants must fulfill the order with WishPost and select an appropriate WishPost logistics channel and service level that provide last-mile tracking (i.e. delivery confirmation);

  • If the order is not subject to the Confirmed Delivery Policy, merchants may fulfill the orders with any WishPost logistics channel of their choice.

Learn more about the policy

5.9Order Cancellation Penalty Policy

If an order is found to have been cancelled or refunded prior to confirmed fulfillment, the merchant will be penalized $2.00* per violating order.

Merchants are allowed to dispute these penalties within 3 business days after a penalty statement is generated.

See examples and learn more










