AdWords: Google的关键词竞价广告,是许多跨境电商推广的重要工具之一,通过投放关键词广告来吸引目标受众。
B2B: Business to Business,即企业对企业的交易模式,涉及到企业之间的产品或服务交换。
B2C: Business to Customer,企业对个人的交易模式,是指企业直接向消费者销售产品或服务。
B2M: Business to Manager,企业对中间经理人的交易模式,针对企业决策者或管理者进行销售和营销。
C2C: Customer to Customer,个人对个人的交易模式,即消费者之间的直接交易,如在线市场或拍卖网站上的二手交易。
COD: Cash on Delivery,货到付款,是一种常见的支付方式,顾客在收到商品后再支付款项。
CRM: Customer Relationship Management,客户关系管理,是一种通过管理和分析客户数据来提高客户关系的策略和技术。
CTR: Click Through Rate,点击率,是衡量在线广告效果的指标之一,表示广告被点击的次数与广告被展示的次数之比。
DSR: Detailed Seller Ratings,动态评分,是亚马逊等电商平台上卖家的综合评价指标。
EC: Electronic Commerce,电子商务,是通过互联网进行商品和服务交易的商业活动。
EDM: Electronic Direct Marketing,电子邮件营销,是一种通过电子邮件发送促销信息和营销活动的方式。
GMV: Gross Merchandise Volume,成交总额,包括付款和未付款的部分,是衡量电商平台销售额的指标。
ODR: Order Defect Rate,订单缺陷率,是衡量订单质量的指标之一,包括退货、退款和投诉等因素。
O2O: Online to Offline,线上对线下的销售模式,是指在线商店推动消费者到线下门店消费的模式。
POP: Point Of Purchase,卖点广告,是指在商品销售点或陈列位置上进行的促销活动。
QC: Quality Control,品质控制,是指对产品质量进行监控和管理的过程。
SKU: Stock Keeping Unit,库存量单位,是指区分不同产品和服务的唯一标识码。
SMM: Social Media Marketing,社交媒体营销,是利用社交媒体平台进行产品推广和营销的策略。
SMO: Social Media Optimization,社交媒体优化,是通过优化社交媒体内容和互动来提升品牌曝光和影响力。
SPU: Standard Product Unit,标准化产品单元,是指一种统一标准的产品定义,方便管理和销售。
ROI: Return On Investment,投入产出比,是衡量投资回报率的指标,表示投资所带来的收益与投资成本之比。
UV: Unique Visitor,独立访客,是指访问网站或在线商店的独立用户数量。
SEM: Search Engine Marketing,搜索引擎营销,是通过支付广告费用来提升网站在搜索引擎结果页面的排名。
SEO: Search Engine Optimization,搜索引擎优化,是通过优化网站内容和结构来提升网站在搜索引擎中的排名。
Product Review: 产品评价,是消费者对产品使用体验和感受的评论和反馈。
Cross-border e-commerce refers to online trading activities where businesses or consumers buy and sell products or services across national borders through electronic platforms, typically facilitated by the internet.
2. What are some common challenges in cross-border e-commerce?Common challenges in cross-border e-commerce include language barriers, currency conversion, international shipping logistics, customs regulations, and cultural differences.
3. What is a tariff?A tariff is a tax imposed by a government on goods imported into or exported out of a country. It is one of the factors affecting the cost of cross-border transactions.
4. What is a customs duty?A customs duty is a tax imposed on goods when they are transported across international borders. It is collected by customs authorities and is often based on the value, weight, or quantity of the goods.
5. What is a landed cost?Landed cost refers to the total cost of a product once it has arrived at the buyer's location, including the original price, shipping charges, customs duties, taxes, and any other fees associated with the importation process.
6. What is a fulfillment center?A fulfillment center is a warehouse or distribution facility used by companies to store inventory, process orders, and ship products to customers. In cross-border e-commerce, fulfillment centers may be located in different countries to facilitate international shipping.
7. What is a chargeback?A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a transaction with their credit card issuer, leading to a reversal of the payment. Chargebacks can occur in cross-border e-commerce due to issues such as fraud, delivery disputes, or dissatisfaction with the product.
8. What is a payment gateway?A payment gateway is a service that facilitates online payments by securely transmitting credit card information between the customer, the merchant, and the payment processor. It is essential for processing transactions in cross-border e-commerce.
9. What is a cross-border trade agreement?A cross-border trade agreement is a pact between two or more countries that aims to reduce barriers to trade, such as tariffs and quotas, and facilitate the flow of goods and services across borders. These agreements can benefit cross-border e-commerce by creating a more favorable environment for international trade.
10. What is a return policy?A return policy is a set of rules and procedures established by a seller that governs the process by which customers can return or exchange purchased goods. In cross-border e-commerce, clear and transparent return policies are essential for building trust with international customers.