Dear my friend, hope you everything goes perfect.
The September purchasing Festival is coming soon, if you have purchasing plan, it is necessary to start it in advance. Otherwise, according to our experience, during that time the freight will rise, and the product may be out of stock, our production line need to arrange orders.
It's the most cost-effective time to place an order now. You can receive the goods in time and save the freight.
Dear friends(Dear xxx)
Now is the end of August, The September purchasing Festival is coming soon, now is the best time to confirm your order. If pass September, the raw materials and shipping cost are changing very fast that we are worring about and can not estimate.
For sure, we will try to control the cost change. it will be better for us to control if your order can reach us earlier.
Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation in advance.
Dear Friends (Dear xxx)
It will be the peak season in our line at the end of year. that's why I contact you to prepare your purchasing plan in early time.
when you confirm your order, please send details to us earlier that we can adjust production plan in time.
A1:您可以通过以下方式开门派催单: 祝贺客户顺利开始新的一年,希望今年生意更红火。同时提醒客户上一次订单的相关事宜,并询问订单是否还需要追加几件货物。
Q2:如何委婉催单而不显得催促?A2:您可以通过以下方式委婉催单: 感谢客户长期以来的支持和信赖,目前市场需求较大,询问客户是否需要增加订货数量以满足需求。同时提供更优厚的价格或运费条件,这个时候客户就难以拒绝了。
Q3:如何抓住客户的痛点来催单?A3:您可以通过了解客户的痛点来委婉催单,比如: 若知道客户仓库存货不足,可以说如此高峰期再不及时订货可能会导致缺货,进而影响客户的销售业绩。同时提供更短的交货期来帮助客户解决缺货问题。